Call us any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! (403) 879-1663

Install Kitchen Sink

Are you in the middle of a kitchen renovation? Do you have a crack or damage to your kitchen sink? IF there a leak from your kitchen sink? Or is your current kitchen sink outdated and more scratched than stainless steel? Then call Action Auger to install a kitchen sink!

Their expert and experienced plumbers are ready to help you around the clock! Their helpful plumbers have the tools and the skills you’re looking for to install your kitchen sink. They’re ready for you and all the questions you have for them and they’ll go through the cost to install a new kitchen sink before they start so that you’re fully informed all along the way.

So when you’re looking to install a kitchen sink then don’t hesitate to call Action Auger, they’re friendly staff are ready to get you the kitchen sink you want!

Need a new kitchen sink installed?

How about a professional installation at a reasonable cost?

Call now: (403) 387-1663